Igniting Critical and Creative Thinking

How to Avoid the Monday Morning Teacher Blues

The Monday Morning Teacher blues are real.  I’ve been there before, and I don’t want to go back! I’m sure you have too. Monday mornings. You either love the endless possibilities that your week holds, or you hate it. There’s not an in-between. And teacher friend, I’ve dealt with the dreaded Monday morning blues long enough! Let’s tackle it today. No more dread or even procrastination. I see that bag full of papers you had the best intentions of grading over the weekend, but well it just didn’t happen. Instead, it sits exactly where you left it sitting Friday evening. That’s it, no more. Together we can and will win the battle against Monday mornings.

# 1 Get Prepared for Monday Morning 

First of all, the organization is key to stopping the struggle. Use your weekend to relax and unwind, showing up as your best self on Monday morning. Use your time wisely on Friday to prep and plan for the upcoming week. Trust me, this will alleviate any stress and have you feeling prepared and productive come Monday morning. Before you head out Friday evening, organize and set up your room for the following week. When your kids begin arriving you can peacefully greet them rather than scrambling around searching for your lessons. While it may take more time to prepare, it will pay off in the long run, and leave you looking at Monday mornings with a new outlook.

# 2 Prioritize Your Time

I get it, teachers basically feel the need to tackle all the things, all the time. While this is a great mentality to have, let’s be realistic. To-do lists are never really finished. Use the most of your time and but don’t stress when all of the tasks aren’t completed. For a teacher, work truly never ends, so do the best you can, but also remember you’re only human. Take a deep breath and remember you’re doing the best you can. Teacher this year is hard, possibly the hardest it’s ever been. Be intentional with your time and prioritize how you spend it. This will make for happier Mondays, trust me.

# 3 Think Over Monday Morning 

Don’t let your work consume your entire weekend but take a small 15/20-minute window to gather your thoughts for the upcoming week. Make a small to-do list or note about goals or deadlines you may have for the upcoming week. Review your lesson plans and week at a glance. This will help you iron out any last-minute kinks or details that you may not have realized existed until Monday morning. Talk about a manic Monday. Try taking a few spare moments to organize your thoughts. You’ll be surprised at how well it sets your week up for success!

# 4 Don’t Try Pouring from An Empty Cup

Last, of all, treat yourself. Yes, I just said that. But I’m serious. You cannot give to your students what you don’t have yourself. Take time out of your weekend to do something that brings you joy. You will be the best version of yourself Monday morning. Your students will greatly appreciate it. Remember, as a teacher you are a thermostat and set the entire setting of your classroom. Your students are counting on you. So go ahead and make this the best upcoming Monday morning that you’ve ever had!

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I’m Susan Morrow and I help overwhelmed teachers create thinking classrooms where students discover the joy in learning and achieving.

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