Beginning Logic Puzzles For Back to School and Fall Gr. 1-3
Children love puzzles and these back to school themed logic puzzles are fun! They provide opportunities for students to develop skills in logical thinking, problem solving, making inferences, drawing conclusions, recognizing similarities and differences, and comparing and contrasting while reinforcing both reading and math skills.
This packet contains 36 puzzles in all!
• 9 3 X 3 matrix logic puzzles
• 15 4 X 4 matrix logic puzzles
• 6 3 X 3 Magic Square puzzles with apples
• 6 Sudoku picture puzzles – fall leaf theme
• Yes/no cards for logic puzzles
• Picture cards for Sudoku puzzles
• Answer keys
• Sheets to record responses
All of the puzzles include different levels of difficulty and complexity to allow you to differentiate according to needs of the students in your classroom. These puzzles can be used several ways: as morning work, in a center, as a whole group activity, or for independent work for early finishers.
I like to project the color puzzles on the whiteboard and solve them together as a class as a morning warm up. I also like to laminate them and put them in sheet protectors and use them in a center. I use the black and white copies and pass them out so that everyone in the class has a working copy or if I want students to work independently.
Did you know Benjamin Franklin loved to solve Magic Squares? So will your students as they solve 6 puzzles available in color and b/w. For beginners, use the recording sheets that have some numbers filled in, but for an extra challenge, give the students blank recording sheets.
The Sudoku leaf puzzlers are perfect for those visual spatial learners in your classroom. Do you have children who have difficulty reading? They can still develop those deductive thinking and logical reasoning skills with these 6 leaf puzzlers which are available in color or black and white!
Tip: When printing the answer sheets for the individual matrix puzzles, I like to print them out two to a page to save ink and paper!
All the puzzles have recording sheets and answer keys and are available in both color and black and white!
Below are links to my other products you might be interested in :
Spring Matrix Logic Puzzles for Grades 1-3.
Christmas Logic Puzzles for Math and Literacy Skills.
Beginning Logic Puzzles for Winter Grades 1-3.
St. Patrick’s Day Beginning Logic Puzzles for Grades 1-3.
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Keep ’em Thinking!
Susan Morrow
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